About Us

Quality hemp yarn brand and knitwear designer
Lanaknits Hemp is one of the leading hemp yarn companies and specializing in hemp yarn for knitters, crocheters, weavers, and all fiber artists looking for quality and yarn support - a timeless knitwear patterns! We offer a wide range of hemp yarns and designs that can be found in shops throughout North America and in several international locations.
A yarn company from Canada
Lana Hames founded Lanaknits Designs hemp for knitting in 2000, as there was no hemp yarn support or quality hemp yarn brands on the market - so she knit and turned into a designer and brought hemp yarn to the world! We have grown year after year as knitters and designers discover our great yarns and knitting patterns. Our yarns and designs can be found in knitting shops throughout North America and in several international locations. Our knitwear and yarn company quickly gained a following among hemp and knitting enthusiasts for our high-quality hemp yarn and fun designs. Our head office and design studio is located in downtown Nelson BC.
Hemp yarn and patterns
What makes Lanaknits Hemp yarn so special? For starters, Lanaknits Hemp is a company that specializes in hemp yarns for knitters and textile artists. We are one of the leading hemp yarn companies and yarn brands in the eco-friendly yarn industry. We are a hemp yarn company that is dedicated to providing high-quality yarns whether you want to spend a day knitting hats, socks, crocheting a market bag, knit the sweater of your dreams, or just need a little yarn support - we hope to be a cut above the other brands. There are many yarn companies to choose from and we thank you for looking to use for your knit a pattern needs. For designers we hope to be your first thought when looking for yarn companies to support your inspired ideas.

Interested to learn more? Give us a call 1.888.301.0011 or email!