We carefully review our patterns attempting to ensure that all of the information is correct and complete. Occasionally, however, something gets past us and makes it into print. We apologize for any inconvenience these errors may have caused you and if you want an updated version of a pattern you've purchased please contact us. Thank you....Lana Hames
#303 SWEETHEART TOP (04/14) Row gauge should read: 26 rows over 4" We've done a rewrite of some of the instructions. Please contact us for an updated version. Front Neck Shaping: All rows 2 & 10 should read rows 3 & 11.
#304 lace diamond pullover (01/06) FRONT: NECK SHAPING 2nd sentence should read:
Cont knitting in patt until chart row 6(16,6) of 5(5,6)th diamond is complete.
#309 RIBBING DISTINCTION (10/04) Sleeves: Using smaller needles CO 42(42,46,46) sts. sizes xs&s Row 1: P1, k2, [p2,k4] 2 times, p2, k2, p4, k2, [p2, k4] 2 times, p2, k2, p1.
#313 BEAUTIFUL BASKET STITCHERY (03/05) Instructions on sleeve should read: Sleeve cap: Bind off 4(4,5,6,7) sts at beg of next 2 rows - 66(72,78,86,86) sts rem. Dec 1 st at beg of every row 16(20,22,24,24) times - 50(52,56,62,62) sts rem. BO 2 sts at beg of every row 8(8,10,10,12) times - 34(36,36,40,40) rem. BO all sts.
#314 CABLE CROSS PULLOVER (04/06) Back neck shaping: (RS) Work 27 (30, 33) sts as established, place center 26 (28, 30) sts on spare yarn, join new yarn and work to end - 27 (30, 33) sts each side. Working each side separately, BO 4 sts at each neck edge 1 time - 23 (26, 29) sts rem each side. Dec 0 (1, 2) sts at each neck edge 1 time - 23 (25, 27) sts rem each side. Place all sts on holders.
Front neck shaping: (RS) Keeping patt as established, work across 29 (32, 34) sts, place center 14 (16, 20) sts on spare yarn, join new yarn and work to end - 29 (32, 34) sts rem each side. Working each side separately, BO 2 (3, 3) sts at each neck edge 1 time - 27 (29, 31) sts remain at each side. Dec 2 sts at each neck edge 2 times - 23 (25, 27) sts rem each side. Cont even until piece measures same as back to shoulder. Place all sts on holders.
Neckband: With smaller dp needles, beg at left front, pick up and knit 18 (18, 19) sts down the left front edge, 14 (16, 20) held front neck sts, pick up and knit 18 (18, 19) sts up right front neck edge, pu and knit 8 (8, 9) sts at left back, 26 (28, 30) sts from st holder, 8 (8, 9) sts at right back - 92 (96, 106) sts. Join into rnd and work ribbing in twisted rib for 1" or to desired length. Bind off loosely in ribbing or knitted bind off. Sew sleeve caps into armholes. Weave in rem yarn with tapestry needle.
#315L LACY LITTLE TOP (02/09) Needles: Optional - circ & dpn sized 3mm(2US) for edging. SLEEVES: first section should read: With dpns , CO 70(74,78,80,84,86) sts. Join being careful not to twist sts. rnds 1&3: Knit. rnds 2&4: Purl. rnd 5: Knit, inc 6(8,10,11,12,13) sts evenly spaced across rnd - 76(82,88,91,96,99 sts. rnds 6-8: Knit. |
#319 STRIPES IN WOOL HEMP (10/04) Yoke: Joining sleeves and Body should read: NEXT:With MC, knit across first 71(76,82,96,112) sts from body, then knit 54(54,58,58,62) sts from first sleeve, knit rem 71(76,82,96,112) sts from body, then knit 54(54,58,58,62) sts from second sleeve - 250(260,280,308,348) sts. Cont with color sequence as est.
#320 LOVELY LEAF LACE SKIRT on a earlier print of this pattern the following rnds should read: rnd 37: Work Rnd 1 of LL pattern 1(2,2) times(s), *k1, yo, k2, k2tog, k4, yo, k80(70,80), k1, yo, k2, k2tog, k4, yo*, work Rnd 1 of LL pattern 1(3,3) time(s), rep from * - * once, work Rnd 1 of LL pattern 0(1,1) time - 218(234,254) sts. rnd 38: Knit. rnd 39: Work Rnd 3 of LL pattern 1(2,2) time(s), k100(90,100), work Rnd 3 of LL pattern 1(3,3) time(s), k100(90,100), work Rnd 3 of LL pattern 0(1,1) time. |
#321 - SHELL BORDER TEE (12/05) Stitch Pattern should read as follows: SHELL BORDER (mult of 14 sts) worked in the round Rnds 1&2: Purl. Rnd 3: *Yo, k3, sl2, k1, p2sso, k3, yo, k5; rep to end. Rnd 4: *K1, yo, k2, sl2, k1, p2sso, k2, yo, k6; rep to end. Rnd 5: *k2, yo, k1, sl2, k1, p2sso, k1, yo, k7; rep to end. Rnds 6&7: *K3, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k8; rep to end. Under Body, Armhole Stitches, 2nd line should read: these sts on holder, knit 80(90,100,110) sts, |
#323 SHAPED NECK TEE - JUL/10 YOKE: Third "NEXT" should read: Work 7 rnds even, finishing at CM.
#332 CASHMERE PERFECTION - 10/08 SETUP FOR V-NECK SHAPING: 2nd line: numbers should read 33(33,35,36,40,43,47) front sts. |
#335 FABULOUS FAIRISLE - OCT/11 NECKBAND - should read Rnd 2: With CC3, knit. FINISHING: Add - Stitch neckband facing in place. |
#340 MELISSA'S CARDI -FEB/09 GUSSETT: first sentence shd read Using cable CO method (or knitted CO), CO 12(16,16) sts, knit to last 6(8,8) sts, join in the rnd, k6,8,8. FINISHING: these instructions were left out UNDERARM STS: Put sleeve underarm sts on dpn. PU same # of sts from underarm gusset and plae on dpn. Graft sts together using Kitchener stitch. new & improved instructions for working gusset - May 27/09 - if using ignore above instructions, there's no finishing involved. (kudos to Kathy for coming up with this much easier, neater, quicker technique) Begin after sleeve measures approx 17(17,18)” Sleeve & Underarm Gusset: Rnd 1: K1, m1, k to last st, m1. Rnd 2: K3, m1, k to last 3 sts, m1, k3.Rnd 3: K5, m1, k to last 5 sts, m1, k5 – 52(56,60) sts.Sizes 35-38 & 39-42 only - Rnd 4: K7, m1, k to last 7 sts, m1, k7 – (58,62) sts.Knitting is now worked back and forth on 12(16,16) gusset sts only.Row 5: K5(7,7) sts, sr w&t.Row 6: P10(14,14) sts, sr w&t.Row 7: K7(12,12) sts, sr w&t.Row 8: P4(10,10) sts, sr w&t.Sizes 35-38 & 39-42 only - Row 9: K7, sts, sr w&t. Row 10: P4, sr w&t.All Sizes - Next: K2, pm (marks beg of rnd), knit to end closing wraps as they become available |
#347 AN URBAN TWIST - 07/10 BODY: After rnds 1-4 - change to larger circ needle should be added. |
#348 BABY ELEGANT EMPIRE - 03/10 & 07/10 RIGHT SIDE - Sleeve increases should read: Sleeve increases: Cont in patt as set, at same time inc 1 st at beg and end of every 6 rnds until there are 16(17,19) sts either side of TC patt –43(45,49) sts. LEFT SIDE: should read - work sleeve as for right side |
#352 LACE GARDEN CARDI - 06/11 RIGHT FRONT Next: 1st Pattern - Row 1 (ws): Knit 52(57,62) sts, pm, BUTTONHOLE BAND: Row 3 (rs): *P1, k1tb; rep to end. Row 4: *P1tbl, k1; rep to end. BO all sts in rib.
#353 girly dress - 12/10 01/11 03/11 BODY - 2nd Section - Rnd 4 should read: Rnd 4: K4(5,4,3), m1, [k11(12,30,11), m1], 7(7,3,9) times, k5(5,4,0) -94(102,102,112) sts. Rnd 10 should read: Sizes 1,2&3 - Rnd 10: K5(8,8), m1, [k12(10,10), m1], 7(9,9) times, k5(4,4) – 102(112,112) sts. 3rd Section - Rnd 4 should read Rnd 4: K6(7,7,7), m1, [k10(14,14,14), m1] 9(7,7,7) times, k6(7,7,7) – 112(120,120,120) sts. SLEEVES - should read: Place 34(36,36,38 )held sts on smaller dpns. PU and knit 3(5,7,7) sts from underarm, join in rnd - 37(41,43,45) sts. |
#409 COOL HEMP PONCHETTE - Mar 8/05 Row gauge should read 22 rows over 4" measured over garter stitch and after blocking. Beginning with Row 3, the pattern should read: Row 3: Knit 34 (44), place marker (pm), *yo, k2tog*; rep to last 3 sts, YO twice, k2tog, k1 - 56 (66) sts. Rows 4, 6, 8: K3, p1, knit to end. Row 5: K34 (44), k1, *yo, k2tog*; rep to last 3 sts, YO twice, k2tog, k1 - 57 (67) sts. Row 7: K34 (44), k2, *yo, k2tog*; rep to last 3 sts, YO twice, k2tog, k1 - 58 (68) sts. Rows 9,10,11: Knit. Row 12: Bind off 3 sts, knit to end. Next: Rep Rows 3 - 12, 24 (29) times. |
#403 SHOP TIL YOU DROP - MAR 15/05 Under BODY increase round should read:
Next: *K3, k into front and back of next st*, rep to end. - 100(150) sts.
PATTERN #404 fancy & simple socks - JAN/10 Simple Socks Under HEEL row 2 and 3 should read: Row 2: Purl to end. Row 3: *Slip1, k1; rep from * to last stitch slip 1.
#410 FAIRISLE PILLOW - MAY/10 RNDS 17 - 40: Work Chart #2. RND 41: With MC, knit. RND 42: Knit, increasing 2 sts evenly spaced - 152 sts. RNDS 43-56: Work Chart #3. NEXT: With MC, work plain for 2 ½ ".
PATTERN #424 SARAH'S CROCHET SCARF - JAN/10 On Row 1 and Row 2, last sentence should read Ch 4. |
#427 GIRLY CLOCHE - SEP/10 At the beginning of the instructions, should read: With smaller needles, CO etc. Change to larger needles after hem is complete. |